Tomato Tartare

Words from the wannabe chef:

Alrighty, as you can tell below, I don't have exact measurements written out. This recipe is quite forgiving in regards to measurements and I feel like this is an excellent recipe to begin practicing my favorite method of cooking which is "taste as you go."

Also this little dish can be super customizable. I just modeled this after the classic flavors you find in a traditional steak tartare but you can totally add or remove ingredients you might not dig plus this can easily be turned 100% plant based. So please, play around with this one, adjust seasonings and flavors so your tongue is happy, taste as you go and enjoy! :)

15 min.
1 hr.


  • 1 lbs campari tomatoes
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • generous drizzle of olive oil (2-4 tbsp)
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 rosemary sprigs
  • pickles (preferably gherkins)
  • shallots
  • capers
  • dijon
  • worchestshire sauce (soy sauce if vegan)
  • fresh black pepper to taste
  • chives
  • goat cheese (substitute with plant based alt. if vegan)
  • sourdough baguette
  • Trader Joe's 'Green Goddes Dressing'


begin by marking your tomatoes with a sharp knife. Score the bottom of the tomatoes on the outer layer of it's skin then blanch & shock them in an ice bath. What you want to achieve here is an easy-to-peel skin. Boil a pot of water then dip your marked tomatoes for 30-60 seconds then immediately plunge them into an ice water bath.

Peel your tomatoes, cut into quarters and deseed. Place your tomatoes, garlic and rosemary on a baking sheet. Hit them with a generous drizzle of olive oil, you want them to be well coated but not drowning. Sprinkle a small pinch of sugar, salt and a few cracks of pepper. Place in the oven at 300°F for 20 minutes then flip and finish them off for an additional 40 minutes.

While that's in the oven, lets prep the rest of the stuff. Dice up a shallot, some pickles and capers as finely as you can.

When the tomatoes are ready, separate and set aside residual infused oil and roasted tomatoes for later. Once the tomatoes have cooled down for a bit, roughly chop them and add to a bowl. In that same bowl, toss in your shallots, capers, pickles, dijon, worcheshire and a couple of cracks of black pepper to taste. Eye-ball these measurements, taste as you go and adjust as needed. Once you're happy with this mixture, set aside in the fridge to cool. in the meantime, slice up some baguette and brush on that infused oil. place in the oven to toast.

When the bread is ready, its time to plate. I added a thin layer of Trader Joe's 'Green Goddess Dressing' it's super good and compliments this dish perfectly. Then I used a ring mold (which you can find at Amazon for pretty cheap) to shape my tartare on top of the dressing. I then garnished with a sprinkling of chives and topped everything off with a bit of goat cheese.

I absolutely love this dish because its made with affordable and accessible ingredients but with a little bit of time and care you end up with a really fancy looking and tasting little number.

Buen Provecho!

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